III: WILLIAM YOUN • „Kammermuusika“ kontserdisari

Sun 09.03.2025 at 06:00 PM
 (Pärnu maantee 59, Tallinn)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, KV 478

WILLIAM YOUN piano, ERSO chamber formations: DALIA DEDINSKAITE violin, HELENA ALTMANIS viola, THEODOR SINK cello

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Quintet for Piano and Winds in E-flat major, KV 452

ERSO chamber formations: Guido Gualandi, Soo-Young Lee, Peeter Sarapuu, Pan Ye

In March, MUBA will host pianist William Youn, who has been described by critics as a poet at the piano whose musical brilliance allows him to discover the soulful depths of music. His Schubert recordings are particularly highly praised, but in addition to those, he has also recorded all of Mozart’s piano sonatas. Together with the ERSO ensembles, Youn performs the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor and the Quintet for Piano and Winds will be performed.

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Piletid: 20 € / 12 €*

* Soodushinnaga pilet kehtib ERSO korraldatud kontsertidel õpilastele, tudengitele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi esitamisel piletikontrollis.

Toetajapileti ostuga annad oma lisapanuse ERSO tegevusele.

12.00 € - 80.00 €

Piletid: 20 € / 12 €*

* Soodushinnaga pilet kehtib ERSO korraldatud kontsertidel õpilastele, tudengitele ja pensionäridele soodustust tõendava dokumendi esitamisel piletikontrollis.

Toetajapileti ostuga annad oma lisapanuse ERSO tegevusele.